I've noticed that currently, violations of securelevel are aborted, but not
typically logged. It seems like in addition to aborting whichever calls are
in progress, logging an error might be beneficial. I recognize that this
goes along the same lines as logging file permission errors, but if a file
is marked immutable, the implicit value of the file should suggest that one
might want to be able to audit attempted changes to that file.

A case in point: /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_linker.c (4.5 STABLE):

linker_load_file(const char* filename, linker_file_t* result)
    /* Refuse to load modules if securelevel raised */
    if (securelevel > 0)
        return EPERM;

Would the following not work?

linker_load_file(const char* filename, linker_file_t* result)
    /* Refuse to load modules if securelevel raised */
    if (securelevel > 0)
        log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to load module %s: securelevel violation \n",
        return EPERM;

So, my questions are: Why shouldn't it be done? What simple problems am I
overlooking? (Would such a contribution have a chance of making it into

- Jeff

Jeff Jirsa

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