Well, I humbly submit that we should kill this thread :)

The original poster's question was easily solved by reading the handbook.
Furthermore, we have come to no concensus on improvements to the handbook (e.g.
wiki, etc.).  Hence, I propose we backburner this topic until a situation arises
where something like wiki turns out to be more helpful than just the handbook

My $0.02 :)

> "R. David Murray" wrote:
> > Sorry for dropping in to the middle of a conversation, but this
> > comment puzzles me.  I fail to see how:
> > 
> >   handbook + per-page comments from readers
> > 
> > is *inferior* to:
> > 
> >    handbook with no comments
> > 
> > given that the handbook maintainers do not have infinate time
> > to polish the handbook, nor infinate knowledge about the
> > quirks discoverd by the community.
> 1)    Qualification of sources of information.  Not every
>       commenting reader is adding something other than
>       "First Post!  Nyah!".
> 2)    Classification varies by individual; to present a
>       coherent whole, not everyone can be an editor.  This
>       is why published collections of works have editors:
>       to apply a uniform standard.
> 3)    Disinformatoin is not discernable from information.
> Consider a dictionary created via a wiki:
> o     Some people could order their entries by length, while
>       others could order them alphabetically;
> o     Is the Schlossen before or after the character "S",
>       lexically?
> o     Who checks the facts?
> o     Copyright assignmnet (I guess you could "shrink wrap"
>       this).
> > Good comments could be properly classified and incorporated into
> > the text as the maintainers have time.
> So you need an editor.  I guess you are suggesting that they
> would be incorporated into the handbook itself?
> > On the other hand, I *can* see that it might be a non-trivial
> > project to integrate the documentation system with a web
> > comment system such that the two do not interfere with each other.
> A web comment system will interfere.  It can't help it.

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legs off--it's best not to use C++ simply as a better C.

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