----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Eggert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: gif(4) tunnel through MSN DSL modem

> John Nielsen wrote:
> > [excerpts from rc.conf on far (DSL) end]
> > # Private interface
> > ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"

> > # "Public" interface -- netmask"
> > ifconfig_ed0="DHCP"
> > gif_interfaces="gif0"
> > gifconfig_gif0="DSL.public.ip myend.public.ip"
> > ifconfig_gif0=""
> > static_routes="john"
> > route_john="-net 192.168.0 -interface gif0"
> The problem (one part, at least) is that you use the same IP address
> ( on your xl0 and gif0 interfaces (on both ends). You'll
> want the tunnel addresses to be in a different subnet.

I have another tunnel set up this way and it works fine.  Why should the
tunnel addresses be on a different subnet?

> Also, the netmask in the infconfig_xl0 line doesn't match the comment,
> which one is wrong?

The public interface (ed0) always gets the same address from the DSL modem,
even though it's using DHCP.  I think you associated the comment with the
wrong ifconfig line (I've added a break between them to clarify).

I'm starting to think that it would be easier to use ppp/tun and ssh rather
than gif in this instance, even though I'm less familiar with that


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