On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 08:38:23PM -0400, Chad Leigh -- Shire. Net LLC wrote:
> On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 08:31 , Morsal Rodbay wrote:
> > I recenetly bought an Athlon XP 1800+... and it turned out that it 
> > wouldnt
> > run XFree. Everything worked well besides X. Since a workstation 
> > without X
> > is useless I was forced to switch to WinXP and it's very stable so 
> > there is
> > nothing wrong with the hardware which means it's a FreeBSD issue.
> Not necesarily.  What video card did you have.  Is it on the supported 
> list for xfree?  Is it on the well supported list or the 
> take-your-chances list?  Was your kernel and or xfree compiled with AMD 
> optimizations turned on in gcc?  Lots of questions can be asked.

GeForce 2 MX 200

> I have some servers running Athlon XP 1800+ processors and the kernel 
> was compiled with -march=k6 since I specified a k7 processor in the 
> make.conf.  The machines would hang every few days.  Once I recompiled 
> the kernel with no -march flag (just straight x86) I have not had a 
> problem (so far, knock on wood).  I do not know where it was hanging up, 
> since the machines are 4000km away from me right now, but  they have not 
> had a problem since I did that -- maybe you have a similar issue?

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it.

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