Yar Tikhiy wrote:
> As I see, there are many spots in the FreeBSD userland sources where
> multi-kilobyte automatic variables (e.g., string buffers) are used.
> I've been taught that such variables would better be static or
> allocated on heap.
> So the following question comes to my mind:  To stay portable to a
> reasonable degree, how large on-stack variables can be used?

Depends on the system and the stack.  Typically, if you want your
code to be portable, you will use as little stack as possible:

--------------  ---------------------------------------------------
Space           Stack size
--------------  ---------------------------------------------------
user            8MB (FreeBSD: 64MB)
user thread     8K (or settable by user on pthread_create)
user signals    40K[8K] (or settable via sigaltstack)
kernel          8K (max; usable is closer to 4K)
--------------  ---------------------------------------------------

Note that this assumes none of the stack is used elsewhere; in the
kernel example, ther is slightly over 3K used, on average, by the
time you get to run.

Another consideration is that stack is often used as a means of
creating context local storage -- whether this is thread local,
or session-local-in-a-finite-state-automaton, doesn't really

The correct approach for handling a small stack ceiling is to use
allocated memory instead of stack for large amounts of data.  If
the data itself is small, but there is a lot of it, it's best to
put it in a struct, and the allocate an instance of the struct,
using only enough memory for the struct pointer itself, from the

OpenSSL is a good example of how not to write code.

Be aware that at some point in the future, even if you are writing
code to run in a normal user program today, that you might want to
have multiple instances of the program, and that at that point, you
might want to use threads -- and you stack ceiling goes way down at
that point.

Even if you specify the stack size itself to the threads system, by
explicitly allocating per threads stacks, and doing all the necessary
threads management, you are still limited.  Someone is going to have
to maintain this code without your knowledge that you selected the
stack size to come within 3 bytes of exhaustion in a particular code
path (and any changes there that add a single int variable will cause
the programs head to explode).

In addition, while it's not very advisable, there are a lot of people
who think shoving code into the kernel will "magically" make it run
faster, even if there is not really very much in the way of protection
domain crossing involved.  For those people, moving from an environment
where you can, for all intents and purposes, ignore stack size, to one
where "you've got just over 4K, live with it" is practically impossible.

My gut feeling is: if you are asking this question, then you are
trying to justify doing something that you know is bad, but want
to do anyway because it would be easier than doing it right.  My
answer to that is: trust your instincts, even if it means more work.

-- Terry

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