> In general, it's bad to use stack if the only reason you are using
> it is to seperate context, which is the point I was trying to make.
> OpenSSL takes this one level worse, and uses stack to avoid the
> allocation and deallocation of context structures that are copies
> of context structures translated to parameters, and back (one could
> make a similar criticism of the FreeBSD VFS descriptor mechanism,
> but at least there was a valid design reason for that one 8-)).
> I guess I could offer the alternative argument that buffers that
> are allocated on the stack are subject to overflow in order to
> get malicious code to execute... and that avoiding such allocations
> makes such attacks much harder.
> The stack is really a necessary evil to handle the call graph;
> abusing it for other reasons makes my teeth itch.  8-).

Do a Google search on "Cheney on the M.T.A.".  It is a
technique by Henry Baker for using a stack as a heap.  The
idea is to keep allocating on the stack until the OS says you
can't any more and *then* do a copying garbage collection.
Live objects are then copied off of the stack into a proper
heap.  The stack is now free so we reset the stack pointer to
the bottom of the stack.  The stack can be reused.  Again and
again.  I am aware of at least one Scheme compiler that uses
this technique.

The point of this reference is that large objects on the
stack are not necessarily bad.  The real answer, as usual, is
"it depends".  I'd avoid using threads before I'd avoid using
large objects on the stack (I am only talking about userland
programs).  Said another way, getting thread programming
right is far harder than ensuring stack usage (or dealing
with stack overflow).  Just because some fool some where will
misuse/abuse a technique is not reason enough to proscribe

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