John Nielsen wrote:
> > have a look at
> > they plan FreeBSD USB support for a next release
> I've been all over the site and read some of the docs.  The most useful
> piece of information I found was this:
> "FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD are not yet supported in USB mode, due to
> missing functionality in the kernel "ulpt" driver (bidirectional I/O,
> device ID retrieval, switching to 7/1/3, and HP channel-change-request)."

I'm pretty sure that bidirectional I/O is supported, or there
would be no network devices.

I'm also pretty sure device ID retrieval is in there.

I don't know what the heck "switching to 7/1/3" means; most
likely it's some packetization protocol that needs support...
you could probably add this yourself, if they point at the
documentation of what it is, as opposed to just the idea that
it's necessary to have it.

"HP channel-change-request" sounds like a vendor command that
lives in the vendor device driver, not in ulpt.  Unless that
"HP" stands for "High Priced" or "Huge Packets" or something...
raw USB stuff should handle this without needing to do evil
things to the FreeBSD USB driver that are specific to one
printer from one vendor.

> The only FreeBSD information in the TODO section has to do with fixing the
> build so it works [better].

Probably indicates that the "TODO" is current, and the other
documentation is out of date...

> I don't get the idea that they are planning to add the missing kernel
> functionality themselves; they don't seem to have done any of that for
> Linux--they just list using a supported kernel as a requirement for USB.
> Since I'm mostly just interested in printing to an LJ 1200, I don't know if
> I'd even use the hpoj stuff unless necessary (although it does look
> interesting).  I'm just wondering if kernel support for these beasties is
> already being worked on, and where I can get more information.

Get a list of the things that actually need support, and are not
specific to that printer, and documentation for how to implement,
and it should not be hard to do the work yourself, or find someone
who's willing to do it for you, if you send/loan them hardware.

-- Terry

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