Hello Terry,

On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Aaro J Koskinen wrote:
> > I've been thinking what kind of modifications would it need to decide
> > the KVA space size at the kernel boot time (maybe an argument to
> > btext), instead of compile time. In theory I can't see any obstacles.
> >
> > Basically the approach would be simply the following:
> [ ... approach ... ]
> > Am I completely off the track? What are the main reasons behind the
> > current KVM layout?
> Kernel code is not position independent.

Yes, I understand this. It seems I failed to explain what I meant. :-(

The reason for moving the kernel text, data and bss to the end of the
virtual memory was that this is the "not position independent" part of
the kernel that would be at fixed known virtual address and always be
linked and loaded correctly. What I want is to resize the KVA space
without breaking the linked code. Therefore I try to organize the KVM
so that the position dependant part does not move if the KVA size

The "dynamic" part of the KVA space would be below the kernel code, and
expand towards the address 0, and this would contain all the stuff that
are dimensioned according to anticipated system usage, and could be
configurable by a boot parameter. E.g. if I want a lot more mbufs or
kmalloc memory I could boot with a huge KVA space.

My understanding is that there's lot of relevant data areas in KVM that
could be dimensioned and relocated run-time in the kernel
initialization. But since they are currently located above the kernel
code, they will hit the ceiling at some point, unless the kernel is
moved lower (KVA space expanded), which needs recompilation.

> The way protected mode OSs work, in the simplest terms, is by
> crafting a KVA space that looks exactly like the physical space
> after the bootstrap load, so that none of the code needs to be
> relocated, and it all "just works".

But doesn't the kernel relocate some of its data in the initialization
(in locore.s, pmap_bootstrap() or whatever),

> As Steven Wright said "Hey!  Someone has broken into our apartment,
> and relaced all the furniture with exact duplicates, down to the
> scratches!".

(A nice analogy, very Philip K. Dickian...)

> It's theoretically possible to do what you want, but it's not very
> easy, and there are other reasons it's not desirable.  The number
> one reason that it's not desirable is that you would not have any
> additional memory available for kernel modules or kernel data
> structures.  For example, if you wanted to have a very large number
> of network connections on a 4G machine, the practical limit that
> you will run into is the KVA space available for representation of
> connection data.

The point was not to make KVA space smaller but to be able to state in
the boot how many GBs the KVA should be, so that the kernel could
dimension e.g. the area from which the connection data is allocated
according to the KVA space limits. Surely the connection data is not
position dependant or statically allocated.

I'm not interested in whether it's desirable or not to have huge KVA or
UVA space; I'm interested just in the problem of moving this decision
from compile-time to run-time.


Aaro Koskinen
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