On Oct 21 at 15:10, Andrew Gallatin spoke:

> Eric Anholt writes:
>  > You need XFree86-Server-4.2.1_4 or later (it's at _5 now).
>  > 
> I'm running 4.2.1_4 and dpms does not work for me.
> I just grabbed some diffs from the Xfree86 cvs to bring
> drivers/ati/r128_driver.c up to and drivers/ati/r128_reg.h up
> to 1.14 and rebuilt the my r128_drv.o module.  I'll see if it works
> the next time X crashes..  (I'm running current, so X crashes once/day
> or so..)

I'm usually running RELEASE. I cvsuped ports-x11 and portupgraded
XFree86-Servers. Now suspend works. I haven't encountered other
problems so far.


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