On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 10:07, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Paul Schenkeveld wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 11:57:59AM -0500, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm not near my FreeBSD machines at this moment but this weekend I'll
> > > hack up the necessary patch if nobody else bothers.  Probably better to
> > > call it something less ambigious like X11_LISTEN_TCP or similar so those
> > > who want to put it in make.conf don't incur namespace ambiguity and
> > > possible collision with other ports that might use similar make
> > > variables with different semantic meaning.  WITH_TCP doesn't have the
> > > same sort of global meaning that WITH_GNOME does.
> >
> > May I suggest WITH_STARTX_TCP ?
> >
> > My $0.02
> If I have any input it'll be WITH_X11_TCP or X11_LISTEN_TCP or similar.
> If the upstream xdm is fixed to turn off listen_tcp by default we'll
> want one flag to turn the behavior back on for both xdm and startx so
> naming the make variable startx would only serve to obscure it from xdm
> users (myself included).

WITH_TCP_(LISTEN_)DEFAULT?  It's not exactly a compile-time option like
most WITH_BLAH.  However, this plus a message at the start of the build
and maybe a pkg-message note makes me much more comfortable with the
startx/xdm changes.

I may get to it this weekend.  Complete patches submitted will get it
done sooner :)


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