On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 08:47:06PM +0300, Yar Tikhiy wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 03:47:49PM +0200, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > 
> > Attached is a patch to the libexec/ftpd source, which adds a new -P
> > option taking an argument of either a numeric port number or a service
> > name as described in the getaddrinfo(3) manual page.  What do people
> > think about adding this functionality?
> Peter, here is a bit reworked version of your patch.
> Does it look reasonable?

Yes, this looks fine; the data connection port issue was brought up by
Matthew Seaman in a private message to me, which I did not respond to
immediately, because I wanted to feel the general thoughts on the
subject.  Now that you have incorporated it into your patch, it all
sounds great :)

I see that you have also changed my '.Nm' macro for the 'ftp' service to
'.Dq'; that's fine too, I was in quite a bit of doubt myself over
exactly which mdoc macro to use.  The '.Nm' came from the telnet(1)
manual page, but it did not look quite right to me.

Thanks for your fast reaction :)  I guess libexec/ftpd is your code, so
it's your call to commit at will if nobody objects.


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