On Sun, 02 Feb 2003 18:27:23 +0100

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen Hilton write
> s:
> >> maybe we should make some sort of geographical registration
> >> web page so that people can find each other?
> Well, new committers are allowed to mark themselves in the xearth port:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/conventions.html
> Committers should know this already.

I suppose this is getting way OT for hackers, so this will 
be my last post to this thread. Thanks PHK for pointing to 
the xearth port, I will take a look at it. 

For myself the ability to find other users to collaborate 
or socialize in person would be the goal. I am reluctant to 
"bother" a committer with chat type things, but again an 
opt-in type database would then say to the FreeBSD community 
at large that he/she does not mind a friendly email, offering 
an invitation to further get to know each other, and possibly 
could spawn a new user group, or business opportunity, or 
even just a good pub crawl.

Subscribing to chat or ICQ are both methods to this same goal, 
but having many tools and ways to get the same "job" done is 
one of the things that IMHO makes the *NIX community so 


Stephen Hilton

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