On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:45:19 +0100, in sentex.lists.freebsd.hackers you

>Mike Tancsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> It only happens when periodic runs, but it on occasion skips a day.
>> Eg. yesterday it did not do it.  It only started happening post
>> Jan28th.  I can brutalize the server with repeated buildworlds (-j2
>> through 8) and it is always successful.  Its only on periodic that it
>> dies and find is always the process running. Its only with SMP as well
>> on this 'oldish' machine
>Hmm, it would be great to know what process was running when it
>crashed.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that post-KSE...

Is there anything I can add to the kernel to provide more info to track
this down ? If its not a solveable issue, I will have to wipe the machine
try 5.x or spend money on different hardware :-(  All the box does is run
spamassassin on mail that passes through it.

Mike Tancsa  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  

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