On Sunday 11 January 2004 12:36 pm, Scott W wrote:
> David Gilbert wrote:
> >>>>>>"Poul-Henning" == Poul-Henning Kamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >Poul-Henning> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Poul-Henning> "Greg 'groggy' Lehey" writes:
> >
> >Poul-Henning> The reason I say this is that neither of you have the
> >Poul-Henning> time needed, and whoever picks up may have ideas, even
> >Poul-Henning> necesarry ideas, which would grind your spine seriously.
> >Poul-Henning> By letting go, I think you would give vinum a better
> >Poul-Henning> chance.
> >
> >>>>In the p4 tree, we can easier add new talent to our developer
> >>>>force and I am pretty sure that some sort of merry band of
> >>>>developers would form around both RF and vinum there.
> >
> >... now I thought I followed this list relatively well, but can
> >someone point me at what 'p4' is?
> >
> >Dave.
> p4 = perforce source control.  I'd seen the perforce depot somewhere on
> freebsd's sites, but didn't previous to this discussion understand it's
> purpose.  Someone with more of a clue than I can fill in the blanks,
> but it seems that the perforce depot is essentially open-access,
> (unlike needing the commit bit set in FreeBSDs CVS tree), or at least
> easier to get commit privs assigned, allowing people that are not
> currently FreeBSD commiters to contribute changes back to the
> repository

In particular, Perforce has a very nice lightweight branching model so it 
is easy to give someone a Perforce account and a private branch they are 
allowed to commit to.  That's a nice feature for an open source project.

> ...at some point, presumably, to be rolled back into the main
> development branch of FreeBSD by integrating back into CVS....if a
> project at some point becomes 'release-worthy.'

You do have to be a committer to do this.

> More info on perforce is available at www.perforce.com .  I saw someone
> mention in this thread not liking perforce, although I'm not sure why-

For people with less than stellar net connectivity, cvsup and a local CVS 
repo are much easier to work with.  Perforce was built with a LAN in mind 
and scales reasonably well to the Internet, but can be painful unless you 
have relatively low latency and relatively high bandwidth to the server.  
cvsup updates much faster on slow links, too.

A few years ago Perforce was working on a write-through cache so you could 
have a local duplicate of the server environment, but I haven't seen that 
work come out of the company.  That would've rocked for our development 


        Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?

Wes Peters                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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