> FreeBSD has good features such as jail, chroot e.t.c. which can controll
> process or resources in parallel. So you need not port DTrace entirely.

I think the control of ressources in a jail is very limited right now. I
don't know if some work in that direction is in progress but it would be a
great project for the future.

> You can implement DTrace like one from scratch. Using legacy system
> sometimes makes new system feature. I would rather expect new one than
> porting. DTrace is one of example, I think. You may be able to fork new
> debug
> process in parallel in the future. If I dare name it, It's "B(SD)Trace"?
> But it's up to
> your effort. DTrace is a pioneer work. And for the people like me who
> bothers
> to put the debug lines in kernel this must be powerful tool.

Dtrace is (seems, at least) to be a very powerful tool. Eventual coders
could/should get their inspiration out of the work of Sun engineers. But
remember, the volunteers of the FreeBSD project aren't paid to do what
they do. 2 years and 3 full-time engineers were needed to accomplish
Dtrace so I think seeing a similar utility in the near future for FreeBSD
is very hopeless.

Nicolas Bérard Nault ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"Je ne sais pas avec quelles armes se combattra la troisième guerre
mondiale mais je peux vous assurer que la quatrième se combattra avec des
pierres et des bâtons." -- Albert Einstein.
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