On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 10:29:27AM -0500, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 December 2005 06:41 am, Ceri Davies wrote:
> > Adrian Steinmann's talk at EuroBSDcon regarding a single user SSH daemon
> > for rescue purposes highlighted an interesting point regarding some
> > binaries.  The GEOM userland binaries such as gmirror, gstripe, etc. use
> > dlopen() to load classes from /lib/geom and therefore cannot be
> > statically linked and, by extension, cannot be crunched with crunchgen.
> >
> > Adrian mentioned that it would be useful if crunchgen(1) supported
> > "mostly static" binaries; i.e., a libs_so extension to crunchgen which
> > would allow these binaries to be crunched, simply requiring then that
> > rtld and the libraries be made available on the memory disk.  This
> > allows those of us who use GEOM classes to make a small rescue disk.
> >
> > I started to add this to crunchgen on the way home, and have worked with
> > Adrian to finish it off.  The patch is attached.  It simply adds a
> > "libs_so" keyword which specifies libraries that will be linked
> > statically; all current config files continue to produce the same code
> > as they did before.
> >
> > I'd like to commit this with a 6 week MFC period or so, but my mentor is
> > currently busy.  Could someone else please take this up?
> I don't think you should change TORTIOUS to TORTUOUS in the license.  Reading 
> license disclaimers may indeed be tortuous, but tortious is an actual legal 
> term, not a misspelling.  It comes from the root word 'tort' which is a legal 
> word for 'sue' (basically).

Ah, I had parsed that as a whitespace change.  Will revert :)

> The other concern is does this force the entire crunch to require a working 
> rtld now?  If so, that would mean that this wouldn't be appropriate for 
> something such as /rescue.  If there were a way to statically link rtld into 
> the crunch itself that would probably be ideal, but I'm not sure that is 
> possible.

No, just the dynamic bits require rtld.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former.                        -- Einstein (attrib.)

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