On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 05:42:13PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> Ceri Davies wrote:
> >On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 08:34:30AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> >
> >>>>On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 11:53:42PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>>>For the filesystem I can use geom_label and /dev/ufs/UnlikelyString, 
> >>>>>but I'd
> >>>>>also like to have it try to configure whatever interfaces the machine
> >>>>>happens to have via DHCP.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Other than specifying ifconfig_<if>0="DHCP" once for every possible 
> >>>>>value of
> >>>>><if>, is there a mechanism to do this already?
> >>>>
> >>>>ifconfig_DEFAULT
> >>
> >>Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
> >>users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but
> >>tty devices also are annoying.
> >
> >
> >The current situation on BSD, where I can identify which interface is
> >meant by its type, is definitely preferable to the Linux situation where
> >eth0 may mean something different tomorrow depending on what is plugged
> >in.
> >
> >Since we can rename devices arbitrarily, I don't really see a problem
> >with respect to anything else.
> >
> >Ceri
> I'll say again, how does having em0, em1, em2, and em3 help me know what
> is going on with each of those interfaces?

Well it doesn't, but there is no way for the OS vendor to determine what
you're doing.  You're more than able to rename them to dmz0, world0 or
whatever in order to reflect their real usage if you like.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                                  -- Moliere

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