In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bill Vermillion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> The way to check if a web-site is readable by all it to use
> a monochrome monitor [ exceedingly hard to find nowdays ], and 
> at least some government sites are now required to be that way.

This is part of "section 508", and *all* web sites run by
organizations that receive US government monies are supposed to comply
with it. The government doesn't do a lot to enforce this, though.

FWIW, the last time I checked, the question of whether or not a web
site that wasn't covered by section 508 was covered by the ADA was
still up in the air, hinging on whether or not a web site constituted
a "public place" (but it's been a while since I checked).

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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