On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 07:08:31AM -0500, Eric Anderson wrote:
> I've seen this several times now, but this time I got a dump. 
> Basically, the system comes up after unclean shutdown, throws a bunch of 
> filesystems into the background fsck list, and begins 60 seconds later. 
>    After some amount of time, the system will lock up, presumably hung 
> waiting on locks.
> Here's some info:
> lock type bufwait: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xffffff0128812980 (pid 804) 
> lock type getblk: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xffffff0128812980 (pid 
> 804)Locked vnodes
> 0xffffff01c5c9f000: tag ufs, type VREG
>     usecount 1, writecount 0, refcount 13656 mountedhere 0
>     flags (VV_SYSTEM)
>     v_object 0xffffff01b09542a0 ref 0 pages 1691637
>      lock type snaplk: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xffffff0128812980 (pid 
> 804)
>         ino 4, on dev label/vol4
> How can I use kgdb to get more debugging information from this?
Look at the
for instructions for ddb.

What is the date of the system checkout ?

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