On Wednesday 20 December 2006 05:18, Duane Whitty wrote:
> Hello again,
> It seems to me that understanding locking holds the key to
> understanding fbsd internals.
> Could someone review my understanding of fbsd locking fundamentals.
> (No assertions here, just questions)
>      lock_mgr
> --------------------
>   mutexes|sx_lock
> -------------------    ^
> atomic | mem barriers  |
> Don't lock if you don't need to.
> Lock only what you need to.
> Use the simplest lock that gets the job done.
> Don't drop locks prematurely because acquiring locks is expensive.
> When possible sleep rather than spin.
> ??????
> Memory barriers order operations
> Atomic operations complete without being interrupted
> Atomic operations and memory barriers are the primitives.
> Mutexes are implemented by atomic operations and memory barriers.
> Mutexes are relatively simple and inexpensive but may not recurse.

This is not true. See MTX_RECURSE.

> Shared/exclusive locks are more versatile than mutexes in that they
> may be upgraded or downgraded from or to shared/exclusive and they
> may be acquired recursively.  More expensive than mutexes.
> lock_mgr locks are used when reference counting is needed

sx_locks are used when you sleep inside the locked piece of code. Mutexes does 
not allow you to sleep.

> Would there be any particular sections of kernel code that you believe
> might be enlightening with respects to locking?
> I have read the man pages describing each family of locks, John Baldwin's
> BSDCon 2002 paper, Jeffrey Hsu's paper, the Arch handbook, and the source.
> I don't understand it all yet and it feels like I am missing some
> fundamental point, especially concerning the lock_mgr family.  Does
> anyone have some pointers they feel like sharing?
> Does anyone have any good references they can point me to that is
> relevant to fbsd given all the recent changes as a result of SMP?
> Is The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System
> still current enough?

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