On 2/21/07, Oliver Fromme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Peter Jeremy wrote:
> I've found that you do get a worthwhile improvement in dump|restore
> performance by introducing a large (10's of MB) fifo between them.
> This helps reduce synchronisation between dump and restore (so that
> dump can continue to read whilst restore is busy writing a batch of
> small files and vice versa).  There's a suitable port but I can't
> recall the name because I wrote my own.

There are several.  The most popular ones are probably
misc/team and misc/buffer.

I can certainly vouch for that , too.  I generally use "team 1m 32" (total
of 32meg of buffer).  Team seems to not want to buffer more than 1m per
process and I think 32 is the max # of processes.
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