David Naylor wrote:
Dear Jordan

Recently I stumbled across a document you wrote in 2001, entitled "FreeBSD installation and package tools, past, present and future". I find FreeBSD appealing and I would like to contribute it its success, and as your article describes, the installation and packaging system is lacking. Since the installation system is being tackled under a SoC project I am hoping to give the packaging system a go. I was hoping you could help me with an update about the situation with pkg. I have searched the FreeBSD mailing lists and have found little information on the package system. Once I have a (much more) complete understanding of the packaging system (and providing there is work to be done) I would like to write up a proposal to solve the problems, and perhaps provide some innovating new capabilities. After that I will gladly contribute what I can to this (possible) project and hopefully further and improve FreeBSD. Any assistance or information you can give I will be greatly appreciate. I look forward to your reply.

Yipes. The name of the game is to get something working in the base system, instead of dragging in multiple 3rd party packages, with licensing schemes that may not be aligned with the BSD license.

SQL's great, SQL's wonderful for db use, but the problem is that supporting it from my POV would cause a lot more grief and waiting than having me wait a few months to get a BDB compatible scheme out the door.

If only Oracle didn't make BDB 3.x non-BSD license friendly though.. that would be nice..

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