On Monday 14 May 2007 09:25:12 'Michel Talon' wrote:
> On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 12:33:23AM +0100, Thomas Sparrevohn wrote:
> > 
> > converted INDEX
> > into postgresSQL because I was playing around with making a message queue
> > based approach -
> > and it becomes BIG - The only table structure difference from the current
> > format was that I 
> > was able to track "who is depending on" a port - which I am pretty sure
> > could be handled in the
> > current framework - e.g. we could add a file having the depending port names
> > or so
> niobe% cp /usr/ports/INDEX-6 .
> niobe% sqlite3 index.db
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE index6 (
> pkgname varchar(1),
> path varchar(1),
> prefix varchar(1),
> comment varchar(1),
> descr varchar(1),
> maintainer varchar(1),
> categories varchar(1),
> build_deps varchar(1),
> run_deps varchar(1),
> website varchar(1),
> extract_deps varchar(1),
> patch_deps varchar(1),
> fetch_deps varchar(1));
> sqlite> .import INDEX-6 index6
> ... completes in less than 2 seconds
> sqlite> select * from index6 where path = "/usr/ports/accessibility/atk";
> atk-1.12.4|/usr/ports/accessibility/atk|/usr/local|A GNOME accessibility
> toolkit
> (ATK)|/usr/ports/accessibility/atk/pkg-descr|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|accessibility
> devel|gettext-0.14.5_2 glib-2.12.9 libiconv-1.9.2_2 libtool-1.5.22_3
> perl-5.8.8 pkg-config-0.21|gettext-0.14.5_2 glib-2.12.9 libiconv-1.9.2_2
> perl-5.8.8
> pkg-config-0.21|http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/||libtool-1.5.22_3|
> niobe% ls -lh INDEX-6 index.db 
> -rw-r--r--  1 michel  lpthe   9,5M 14 mai 10:00 INDEX-6
> -rw-r--r--  1 michel  lpthe    12M 14 mai 10:12 index.db
> Where is this huge increase in size?
> Admittedly, i have not created indexes, etc.
> Compare this to the portsdb created by portupgrade from the same INDEX-6
> niobe% ls -lh /usr/ports/INDEX-6.db
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    21M 16 fév 13:36 /usr/ports/INDEX-6.db
> Surprise, surprise, the BerkeleyDB suddenly appears less glorious.

That you table structure does not even full fill 1st normal form ;-) - You need 
to convert that
into independent tables in order to get it on a reasonable normal form format 

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