On Sunday, 13 May 2007 at 22:39:51 -0700, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> Duane Whitty wrote:
> >Garrett,
> >
> >Sounds like you're involved in a cool project.  What kind of
> >community collaboration/involvement would be helpful to you?
> >
> >Once, a long, long time ago, I wrote quite a bit of bdb 1.85
> >code.  At that time it WAS the current version :)  I might
> >actually remember a bit if I start working with it again.
> >But what would be most useful to you?
> >
> >And if I may ask about a design decision: Why did you choose
> >a hash structure?  Perhaps if you have time you could give
> >a little more info but whatever fits your schedule.
> >
> >Good luck on your project.
> >
> >Duane
> Duane,
>       I actually chose hash structure at the time because I thought it was 
> appropriate for the size of the ports tree and the number of files that 
> may need to be used. Plus, Kris suggested that :). Given the way that 
> I've seen how things are used, this would be great for searching for who 
> added what file, finding cyclic dependencies easily, maintaining 
> uniqueness, etc, many common issues with the current ruby scripts.
>       Also, the other available BDB options like btrees seem inefficient, 
> over the long run :(..

I guess frequent deletions and lack of space recovery are the problem with 

>       Do you know of any simple APIs that can quickly dump fields in use 
>       with BDB .db files? I have a hunch given the Ruby that I've taken a 
> look at 
> with Portupgrade that something very inefficient's in play, but I want 
> to test my assumption first before jumping to conclusions.

I did a quick ports search and came up with databases/ruby-bdb1.  I don't grok 
but I've telling myself I should learn [sigh].  I don't know if this has a 
API or not; I'll take a look but I suspect it is probably overkill.

If this doesn't meet your project's needs I'll try coding something up in C.  I
imagine we'll need some tools written in C at some point anyhow.

>       Thank you very much for the help :)!

Well, we'll see about how much help I can be; but I'll try.  It's your project
so let me know what you need or don't need/want

> -Garrett
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