hi all,

Sorry for cross posting, but perhaps hackers is a better list than multimedia
for this topic.

i am trying to port my old assembler soft for Dos to FreeBSD.
i need to write and read directly to the midi and scsi device.
when i try something like this i receive a sigbus error

SORRY, i am NOT nor a C nor a FreeBSD expert!!!
all i know is Assembly language!

i made some search in the devel handbook and did not found the solution.
What is wrong here?
Can you enlight me please?

Many thanks in advance and bests regards



        .align 4
params: .word 0x330,2,1 # midi port => enabling IO ???

        .align 4
        .global _start
        pushl   params
        pushl   $0x3
        movl    $0Xa5,%eax
        int     $0x80
        addl    $0x08,%esp
        movw    $0x331,%dx   #  status register
        inb     %dx,%al
# ...
        pushl   $0 # exit
        movl    $0x1,%eax
        int     $0x80

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