Julian Elischer wrote:
Nicolas Cormier wrote:

I'm trying to write a little tcp-server kernel module (like tftp).
I didn't find a lot of documents about the kernel network programming,
just one thread which talks about netgraph.
In the freebsd includes I found /usr/include/sys/socketvar.h (so*).

What's the easy way to create a basic tcp server
(create/bind/listen/accept/send/recv) : use netgraph's ksocket or so*

Thanks in advance !
PS: the whole job must be done in the kernel.

yes it can (and has been) done..
John Polstra did it many years ago.. using netgraph ksockets.
He had an in-kernel web server.
At least I THINK it was him :-)

Yes, that's right. I started out using netgraph ksockets, but later on it evolved, mainly for performance reasons. (I needed it to be really, really fast.) The first change was that I eliminated the ksockets and worked directly at the link layer, using ng_ether nodes. I implemented a small, stripped down TCP stack and bypassed the FreeBSD native TCP/IP/socket layers. This was still done with netgraph, using just the ng_ether nodes talking to my own ng_webclient / ng_webserver nodes. It improved the performance immensely.

More recently I restructured it quite a bit to get better MP performance using FreeBSD 7.x. (The original version was based on 4.x). I found that the netgraph locking and internode communication mechanism impacted performance too much under 7.x. So I eliminated the ng_ether nodes and made the webserver / webclient nodes talk directly to the interfaces via the if_input / if_output hooks. It still uses netgraph, but really only as a configuration and management mechanism. No actual network traffic flows between netgraph nodes. This change also resulted in a big performance improvement.

Unfortunately, my contract forbids me to release the source code publicly.

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