On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 11:00:25AM +0100, Johan Bucht wrote:
> I've only tried CVS, Mericurial, Clearcase and a bit of Subversion.
> And if you don't need IDE integration Mercurial seems to be working
> pretty good.
> I just read an article about the new merging and branching support
> coming in Subversion 1.5 and it looks like it might have some future.
> The IDE support is probably the best of the modern open source VCS.
> http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-01-2008/jw-01-svnmerging.html

Yes, merge tracking will definitely make it much easier to maintain
branches in Subversion, including vendor branches containing a FreeBSD
source tree.

You can achieve much of the same effect by using the svnmerge.py script
that ships with Subversion 1.4, but with 1.5 the server and client have
merge tracking built in, so it's not a python script wrapper anymore,
but a well-integrated feature.

1.5 has finally been branched a few days ago actually, so if you want
to try it out go ahead and check out the branch and report any issues
you find: svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/1.5.x svn-1.5

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