On Wed, 14 May 2008 17:17:28 +1000 Peter Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2008-May-13 22:06:21 +0100, James Mansion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >And is the objection to SQL such the sqlite is really out of the running?
> There is no specific objection to SQL.  There is a general objection
> to adding more utilities to the base system unless a _very_ good case
> can be made for including them.  So far, no-one has made a compelling
> reason to include SQLite (or other SQL engine) into the base system.

Just out of curiosity - there seems to be an unspoken assumption that
the ports system can only use tools that are part of the base
system. But this is clearly false - the ports system currently
includes a couple of directories full of software that's not in the
base system.

Adding compiled code to those tools would mean that installing the
ports system gets a bit more complex - you have to run "make install"
after extracting the tarball. Is that so bad it's not going to happen?

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