On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 08:00 -0400, Mike Meyer wrote:
>            stop     If the service is to be started as specified by
>                     rc.conf(5), stop the service.  This should check that the
>                     service is running and complain if it is not.  If
>                     forcestop is given, ignore the rc.conf(5) check and
>                     attempt to stop.
> I don't have time to do it now, but will later if no one says they have....
>   <mike

Why should it complain? If I've asked it to stop a service, and the
service is not running, that's not an error or complaint - its the
desired outcome.

The only thing that perhaps should be warned about is when you attempt
to stop a service that is not configured to start, but has been started
using {one,force}start, it will not be stopped unless you use the
equivalent {one,force}stop. Personally, I think that's fine, but it
certainly could annoy.

One of the things that appeals to me with FreeBSD is how sane
everything is, and how unobtrusive and simple it is, especially
compared to the noisy, obtrusive SysV init that you find on most Linux
distros - you know the kind I mean, one program to add a service to a
run level, one program to list the services in a run level... FreeBSD
allows you to do all that stuff, with simple commands like vi, grep etc.



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