Miroslav, good day.

Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 12:41:05AM +0200, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> I am busy these days, but it is nice to read about your progress. I hope 
> I will get some time to test all of these large patches in a few days 
> and I will report back my experiences!

Fine, thank you!  I am re-CC'ing bug-followup@ to track this letter,
since it contains some useful information that should go into GNATS.

> One note before tests... do -n flag always download new INDEX file, or 
> is it possible to use one already existing in /usr/ports?

Currently, it is downloads bzipped INDEX file to /var/db/portaudit every
time, but it uses mirror mode, so if remote file hadn't changed at all,
all network expences are just the HTTP's HEAD request and reply.

I can add another variable to the portaudit to force the usage of the
existing INDEX file, if it is needed.  By the way, how are you keeping
your INDEX file up to date (your proposed usage of 'pkg_version -I'
implies that you're always rely on it)?  I am just curious -- my INDEX
files are almost always stay unupdated, even if I am using portupgrade.

And there can be another way if one keeps ports tree updated: utility
can use 'make' to determine the version that is currently available on
the examined host.

But downloading the INDEX file from the central server seemed to be the
best way, since it almost always gives one the latest port versions, so
I had implemented this in a first place.

Don't know, however, how the badly the load to the central HTTP server
will be raised.  I am using just two first fields from the INDEX file,
so I can use such a stripped file.  For me, the reduction was about
6x: SIZE(INDEX-7.bz2) = 1126189, SIZE(INDEX-7.stripped.bz2) = 184345.

I am CC'ing the portmgr team.  Guys, could you quickly glance over these
patches and determine if they are useful to the project in large?  If
yes, then may be such a stripped INDEX can be created on the FreeBSD
servers (via cut -f1-2 -d'|' INDEX-N)?

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 /  ' `         ,       __.--'      #  to read the on-line manual   
 )/' _/     \   `-_,   /            #  while single-stepping the kernel.
 `-'" `"\_  ,_.-;_.-\_ ',  fsc/as   #
     _.-'_./   {_.'   ; /           #    -- FreeBSD Developers handbook 
    {_.-``-'         {_/            #

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