
Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 01:07:51PM +0200, Mel wrote:
> On Monday 06 October 2008 12:28:48 Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
> Once you have the origin of the port, you can:
> - make -C $PORTSDIR/$origin -V PKGNAME
> - get the matching origin(s) out of ${INDEXDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
> - get the matching origin(s) out of a downloaded INDEX.bz2
> This covers the majority of cases.
> What portaudit lacks, is providing the origin along with the installed package
> name in easily parseable format. So, a central server wanting to query all 
> the machines for vulnerable packages, now has to do an extra step of going 
> into $PKG_DBDIR/$pkgname/+CONTENTS and getting the @comment ORIGIN: line, 
> while (port|pkg_)audit has just been there.
> This would be something I'd expect:
> ssh clientmachine "/usr/sbin/pkg_audit -l"
> foo-1.2,3:misc/foo
> bar-4.5_6:devel/bar
> ...

OK, got it.  There is one neat: pkg_audit should be feeded with the
contents of the auditfile and the latter is located in the tar archive.
So, if you wouldn't mind about the following sequence
tar xf /var/db/portaudit/auditfile.tbz
pkg_audit < auditfile | portaudit-checknew -o | cut -d '|' -f1,4,5
then I can add the flag '-o' to the portaudit-checknew: it will
additionally output the port origin along with the new version.

Is that what you meant?
 _                ___       _.--.   #
 \`.|\..----...-'`   `-._.-'_.-'`   #  Remember that it is hard
 /  ' `         ,       __.--'      #  to read the on-line manual   
 )/' _/     \   `-_,   /            #  while single-stepping the kernel.
 `-'" `"\_  ,_.-;_.-\_ ',  fsc/as   #
     _.-'_./   {_.'   ; /           #    -- FreeBSD Developers handbook 
    {_.-``-'         {_/            #

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