Jeremy Lea:
> 1. The library needs a global "package manager".  This needs to perform
> all of the tasks, and it should ideally do this through a task queue
> (which I didn't implement).  See the lib/lib.h header in FreePKG.

This sounds like a good idea to implement ... eventually.
First job is to identify the tasks and a way to implement
them.  It's relatively straightforward to add a task
queue wrapper later on.

> 4. should do everything through the tools.  It should have
> no knowledge of the contents of /var/db/pkg.

I agree with this in principle, but I think it would
be better to avoid touching at all in this
iteration.  Certainly, it's worthwhile to read carefully to try to understand the capabilities
missing from the current tools with an eye to supporting
those in a future iteration, but I think it's more
important to keep the scope of this summer's work
as narrow as possible.

> 1. I made the file->pkg database to sensitive.  If there is a miss it
> rebuilds the database for scratch - it should do a search through the
> +CONTENTS files and only rebuild it if there was a hit (meaning the
> database was wrong).

I'm going to show my ignorance here:  Why is
this database necessary at all?  On my system
with just over 500 packages, it takes <1s to
read all of /var/db/pkg with a warm cache
(~10s cold cache), and I can only think of a
couple of cases where the file->pkg database
is useful at all.  I fear that maintaining a
file->pkg database is a lot of extra effort for
very little gain.  I would be more interested
in experimenting with using extended attributes
directly on the files to record what package
they came from.  In particular, that provides
much more robust handling for a variety of
use cases, including conflicts, stale files,
and manually-updated files.

> 2. There needs to be a pkgname and origin database, which can be loaded
> at startup to prime the package manager.  The dependency graph should
> also be stored in a database.  These should be rebuilt if any directory
> in /var/db/pkg has a mtime later than the database (so could the file
> database).

Again, I'm a little skeptical of the need for
separate databases here at all.  In the current
system, /var/db/pkg and the package archives themselves
have to be authoritative, so any package system
has to be able to work directly from that information.
Building a separate database from that information
seems like a lot of extra work that will pay off
someday but can be largely avoided for the current

Remember that the Single Point of Truth for
any package manager is the files on disk.  If
someone deletes the files from disk, then the
package is not installed, regardless of what any
"package database" might say.  In the case
of the FreeBSD package system, /var/db/pkg is
therefore secondary data and any additional databases
you compute from /var/db/pkg are tertiary.  This
is getting pretty far from the SPoT and is going
to lead to increasing consistency problems.
If we can avoid these additional databases, we'll get
a simpler, more robust system.

> 3. There needs to be a set of flags which indicate how a package got
> installed (as a dependency or by the user), and if it has been upgraded
> in-place and might have old leftover libraries.  These could go in

Yes, these are the kind of features that should
be easy to add after the package tools have been
rewritten around libpkg.  But first we need
a basic libpkg that works and a set of package
tools that use it.

> In addition I also began the design of a new on disk package format.

I'm pretty firmly opposed to this.

I think that the INDEX, /var/db/pkg, and binary
format for package archives all need to be kept
essentially unchanged, simply because of the growing
number of third-party tools that interact with them.
Eventually, such tools may all be rewritten to use
libpkg, at which point it may be reasonable to
reconsider, but for the foreseeable future, any
changes to these would cause a lot of pain for
little gain.

There may be some incremental changes (such as
the installation flags you mention above) that
would help, but I think we're stuck with the
current formats for the time being.

I'll also observe that some of the concerns that
drove your new package archive design are no
longer relevant; libarchive allows us to use tar
format without forking the tar executable.


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