Am 22.08.2009 um 08:03 schrieb Gonzalo Nemmi:

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Oliver Pinter <>wrote:


When I good know, no common interface exisit in current freebsd
kernel, but some other sysctl interfece exisit: coretemp, aiboost ...

~> sysctl dev.coretemp
dev.coretemp.0.%desc: CPU On-Die Thermal Sensors
dev.coretemp.0.%driver: coretemp
dev.coretemp.0.%parent: cpu0
dev.coretemp.1.%desc: CPU On-Die Thermal Sensors
dev.coretemp.1.%driver: coretemp
dev.coretemp.1.%parent: cpu1
dev.coretemp.2.%desc: CPU On-Die Thermal Sensors
dev.coretemp.2.%driver: coretemp
dev.coretemp.2.%parent: cpu2
dev.coretemp.3.%desc: CPU On-Die Thermal Sensors
dev.coretemp.3.%driver: coretemp
dev.coretemp.3.%parent: cpu3

~> sysctl dev.acpi_aiboost
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.%desc: ASUStek AIBOOSTER
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.%driver: acpi_aiboost
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.ASOC
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=ATK0110 _UID=16843024
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.%parent: acpi0
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.temp0: 190
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.temp1: 300
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.volt0: 1144
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.volt1: 3328
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.volt2: 5064
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.volt3: 12096
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.fan0: 1962
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.fan1: 1180
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.fan2: 1278
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.fan3: 0
dev.acpi_aiboost.0.fan4: 0

but no common if..

Is there an acpi_dell or something like that?

On 8/22/09, Aurélien Méré <> wrote:

I've been using FreeBSD for years in all my servers, but I'm facing a big
problem today. All servers are under monitoring using a couple of
applications and scripts. Monitored items for each server especially are CPU/mobo/UPS/HDD temperatures, CPU load, memory use, fans speed, PSU/UPS voltages, HDD/RAID status&usage, network connectivity, UPS load, battery
status & runtime, ...

My concern today, excepted that there is no way to gather all the data through a unique interface and that consequently we have to change the scripts depending on hardware, is that some information are no longer
available at all, especially concerning the MB IC, ie. temperatures,
voltages & fan speed. Actually, some SMBus controllers (like from 2006 or so) are not supported by any driver and I didn't find any port updated to access the IC directly (if even possible). Currently, I sometimes have to use mbmon with direct I/O, sometimes mbmon with SMBus, sometimes healthd
sometimes nothing works (PR 137668 or 136762 as examples in my case).

Besides that, I was quite surprised that these information are available
OpenBSD through a very simple and unique sysctl interface, with
drivers, working on all my servers with a generic install. I know that
this presentation layer, this may be much less perfect, and by digging
in, I
found that a 2007 GSoC project for porting the OpenBSD sensor framework
realised and planned to be put in HEAD. I also read hundreds of mails
concerning this project, and why finally it was not commited.

As developer, I fully understand some of the concerns in these threads
that there are probably lots of things to change and work on, integrate
in a cleaner repository like snmp or whatever; and I'd be glad to help in
possible way to improve this. But in the meantime, as netadmin, this kind
information can be very important to prevent or diagnose major problems;
I'd like to know what is being planned/done on this subject, as I didn't
find any
more information related to this than a discussion during bsdcan 2008.

Thanks for your help and time,


I was looking for the same info a time ago .. something that would allow me to gather all the info from the same place, but the only thing I came up
with was the very same discussion about the sensors framework port and
nothing else.

Any info on any such proyect will be greatly apreciated

The OpenBSD sensors framework lacks some desireable features, e.g. event capabilities like getting an event if a certain threshold is exceeded. And it propbably was used for things that it better had not (yes, I am culprit for on of these (ab)uses...).

I am sure these features could be added if only the code was in the tree to hack on...

- Marc Balmer

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