On Mon, 15 Aug 2016 02:20:19 +0300, Lev Serebryakov wrote:

 > >  Please, change this to some prefix to state name (:name, @name or 
 > > something
 > > like this) or to "state-action(name)" format. It will be much better: less
 > > error-prone and will work without ugly warnings on old rulesets.

I like the idea of something like :name, @name or perhaps =name ? as a 
distinct state name identifier.  (name) seems like overkill, especially 
since it requires escaping on the command line as \(name\), and while of 
course such escaping is required now to identify table names, we don't 
need anything that might tend to confuse table names with state names.

 >  Or, maybe, state names should be pre-declared (except "default"), as
 >  table's ones does. Like
 >  ipfw flow create my-name
 >  ipfw add allow ip from an to any keep-state my-name

I really hope that's not necessary; the assumption of 'default' name for 
existing rulesets is good, and requiring pre-declaration of state names 
- except default - would be less .. orthogonal :) and not necessary.

One thing I wondered about earlier but didn't ask is that the order of 
options is generally not relevant, so for example the commonly used:

  ipfw add skipto $somewhere tcp from $a to $b setup keep-state

would currently be equally valid as:

  ipfw add skipto $somewhere tcp from $a to $b keep-state setup

with possibly other options following?

And while 'setup' should be recognised as an existing keyword, not a 
state name - as will '//' when that's fixed I guess? - still I wondered 
whether the keyword 'setup' would get "pushed back" for later parsing?

 >  This will be somewhat bullet-proof!

I think existing rulesets working out of the box is vital too; the last 
thing needed on managed remote boxes is firewall breakage on upgrading.

cheers, Ian
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