On 15.08.2016 9:11, Ian Smith wrote:

> One thing I wondered about earlier but didn't ask is that the order of 
> options is generally not relevant, so for example the commonly used:
>   ipfw add skipto $somewhere tcp from $a to $b setup keep-state
> would currently be equally valid as:
>   ipfw add skipto $somewhere tcp from $a to $b keep-state setup
> with possibly other options following?
  Both work now on -CURRENT as expected , but second one will show you
two-line warning, that state name was changed to "default".

> I think existing rulesets working out of the box is vital too; the last 
> thing needed on managed remote boxes is firewall breakage on upgrading.
  Existing rulesets are not broken, but could give you non-intuitive
warnings now :)

// Lev Serebryakov AKA Black Lion

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