Doug Barton wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > If you want to make it about "failure to attract a maintainer", then
> > do that.
> Actually several people have made this argument, along with the corollary
> "failure to attract a userbase."

I would claim that non-working code *repelled* the userbase, just
as all the packet radio people went to Linux when the ISODE code
was murdered and X.25 went away, the same way we are talking about
doing to the XNS code now.  If your system can't do something,
then *of course* you are n'tgoing to attract user who want to do
that something: they will go to systems that aren't incapable of
doing what they want.

I would claim that the "failure to attract a maintainer" was a
result of too stringent control of commit priviledges.  There is
code lying fallow in FreeBSD now which has no maintainer, for
lack of commit priviledges for people willing to maintain the
code (and no, I am not making a case for myself here).

-- Terry

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