[ Removing -stable from CC ]

On Monday 19 February 2007 15:57, Alex Povolotsky wrote:
> mpd (fresh) on FreeBSD 6.1p12 sometimes hangs system, totally, to
> reset. Tried two completely different boxes, so it cannot be a hardware
> problem.
> I'm updating to 6.2 now, but have little hope. What can I turn on in
> kernel to fix it or at least to make computer reboot?

How do you figure it's mpd related?  Did you collect *any* debugging 
information at all?  How about enabling DDB and WITNESS?  A "hanging" 
system usually suggests a deadlock.  WITNESS should turn up possible 
causes.  Also, could you check if setting debug.mpsafenet=0 in 
loader.conf helps?

/"\  Best regards,                      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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