Apparently lagg hasn't been giant fixed :/ Can we do something about this quickly? with adaptive giant i get more performance on lagg but the cpu usage is smashed 100% I get about 50k more pps per interface (so 150kpps total which STILL is less than a single gigabit port)
Check it out

68 processes:  9 running, 41 sleeping, 18 waiting
CPU:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice, 89.5% system,  0.0% interrupt, 10.5% idle
Mem: 8016K Active, 6192K Inact, 47M Wired, 108K Cache, 9056K Buf, 1919M Free
Swap: 8192M Total, 8192M Free

  38 root     -68    -     0K    16K CPU1   1   3:29 100.00% em2 taskq
  37 root     -68    -     0K    16K CPU0   0   3:31 98.78% em1 taskq
  36 root     -68    -     0K    16K CPU3   3   2:53 82.42% em0 taskq
  11 root     171 ki31     0K    16K RUN    2  22:48 79.00% idle: cpu2
  10 root     171 ki31     0K    16K RUN    3  20:51 22.90% idle: cpu3
  39 root     -68    -     0K    16K RUN    2   0:32 16.60% em3 taskq
  12 root     171 ki31     0K    16K RUN    1  20:16  2.05% idle: cpu1
  13 root     171 ki31     0K    16K RUN    0  20:25  1.90% idle: cpu0

           input          (em0)           output
  packets  errs      bytes    packets  errs      bytes colls
   122588     0    7355280          0     0          0     0
   123057     0    7383420          0     0          0     0

           input          (em1)           output
  packets  errs      bytes    packets  errs      bytes colls
   174917 11899   10495032          2     0        178     0
   173967 11697   10438038          2     0        356     0
   174630 10603   10477806          2     0        268     0

           input          (em2)           output
  packets  errs      bytes    packets  errs      bytes colls
   175843  3928   10550580          0     0          0     0
   175952  5750   10557120          0     0          0     0

Still less performance than single gig-e.. that giant lock really sucks , and why on earth would LAGG require that.. It seems so simple to fix :/ Anyone up for it:) I wish I was a programmer sometimes, but network engineering will have to do. :D

Julian Elischer wrote:
Paul wrote:
Is PF better than ipfw? iptables almost has no impact on routing performance unless I add a swath of rules to it and then it bombs I need maybe 10 rules max and I don't want 20% performance drop for that.. :P

well lots of people have wanted to fix it, and I've investigated
quite a lot but it takes someone with 2 weeks of free time and
all the right clue. It's not inherrent in ipfw but it needs some
TLC from someone who cares :-).

Ouch! :) Is this going to be fixed any time soon? We have some money that can be used for development costs to fix things like this because we use linux and freebsd machines as firewalls for a lot of customers and with the increasing bandwidth and pps the customers are demanding more and I can't give them better performance with a brand new dual xeon or opteron machine vs the old p4 machines I have them running on now :/ The only difference in the new machine vs old machine is that the new one can take in more pps and drop it but it can't route a whole lot more. Routing/firewalling must still not be lock free, ugh.. :P


Julian Elischer wrote:
Paul wrote:
ULE without PREEMPTION is now yeilding better results.
        input          (em0)           output
  packets  errs      bytes    packets  errs      bytes colls
   571595 40639   34564108          1     0        226     0
   577892 48865   34941908          1     0        178     0
   545240 84744   32966404          1     0        178     0
   587661 44691   35534512          1     0        178     0
   587839 38073   35544904          1     0        178     0
   587787 43556   35540360          1     0        178     0
   540786 39492   32712746          1     0        178     0
   572071 55797   34595650          1     0        178     0
*OUCH, IPFW HURTS.. loading ipfw, and adding one ipfw rule allow ip from any to any drops 100Kpps off :/ what's up with THAT? unloaded ipfw module and back 100kpps more again, that's not right with ONE rule.. :/

ipfw need sto gain a lock on hte firewall before running,
and is quite complex..  I can believe it..

in FreeBSD 4.8 I was able to use ipfw and filter 1Gb between two interfaces (bridged) but I think it has slowed down since then due to the SMP locking.

em0 taskq is still jumping cpus.. is there any way to lock it to one cpu or is this just a function of ULE

running a tar czpvf all.tgz *  and seeing if pps changes..
negligible.. guess scheduler is doing it's job at least..

Hmm. even when it's getting 50-60k errors per second on the interface I can still SCP a file through that interface although it's not fast.. 3-4MB/s..

You know, I wouldn't care if it added 5ms latency to the packets when it was doing 1mpps as long as it didn't drop any.. Why can't it do that? Queue them up and do them in bigggg chunks so none are dropped........hmm?

32 bit system is compiling now.. won't do > 400kpps with GENERIC kernel, as with 64 bit did 450k with GENERIC, although that could be
the difference between opteron 270 and opteron 2212..


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