Old Synopsis: icmp socket receives icmp replies not owned by the process.
New Synopsis: [icmp]: icmp socket receives icmp replies not owned by the 

This PR is bogus because:
ICMP has no concept of datagrams being "owned" by a process. There is no field in the ICMP protocol which differentiates ICMP "sessions" on a per-process basis, and this is because ICMP has no concept of "sessions" -- ICMP messages are directed at IP endpoints.

The networking stack will only selectively dispatch ICMP traffic based on two conditions:
1. ip_proto number (raw sockets may selectively bind to a protocol) and
2. multicast group membership (not applicable in this instance).

> It also shows that both echo requests have different identifiers in the id field which should keep the icmp streams seperated.

There is absolutely no requirement for the kernel code to look at the ID field, beyond reporting it to consumers of the SOCK_RAW interface.

This PR can be closed, the submitter should consult the pfSense maintainers.


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