[ .. stuff deleted (WEP-128 problem) ]

>    one more thing came to my mind:
>    you don't need to use wpa_supplicant to get WEP support. AFAIK WEP128
>    is different name for 104-bits key and that might be supported without
>    need of wpa_supplicant. man ifconfig might shed some light.

I tried today both 'ifconfig' and 'wpa_supplicant'; I comme to
'associated/connected' , no IP

that said, the key they provide me really is 26 characters, I have to
split it in twice 13 to get it accepted both by 'ifconfig' and
'wpa_supplicant' which is very probably wrong ....

Couldn't find (quickly) anything on iff and howto for 26 caracter keys

>    Although wpa_supplicant message states that it connected successfully
>    to the network. Can you try to set the address by hand(taking some
>    earlier info from windows machine)?

nope, 'ping' (probably filtered) to defaultroute and DNS-lookup both

More later,

thanx for your help.

Kind regards, Arno

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