> [rstone@vm-head ~]ndp -a
> Neighbor                             Linklayer Address  Netif Expire    S 
> Flags
> 1::2                                 08:00:27:1e:b8:16    em0 7s        R
> fe80::a00:27ff:fefa:8732%em0         08:00:27:fa:87:32    em0 permanent R
> rstone@vm-head ~]uname -a
> FreeBSD vm-head 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #10 r233549:233552M:
> Wed Mar 28 10:27:20 EDT 2012

I don't know when this basic functionality was broken. I cannot verify when the 
occurred on the 8.x systems I have because I am traveling at the moment.

I can take ownership of this bug and get it fixed as soon as I return in 1.5 

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