> On 18. Mar 2021, at 21:09, Michael Tuexen <tue...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On 15. Mar 2021, at 12:56, Blake Hartshorn <cont...@blakehartshorn.com> 
>> wrote:
>> The short version, when I use FreeBSD 13, delivering data can take 5 minutes 
>> for 1MB over SSH or HTTP when using IPv6. This problem does not happen with 
>> IPv4. I installed FreeBSD 12 and Linux on that same device, neither had the 
>> problem.
>> Did some troubleshooting with Linode, have ultimately ruled the network 
>> itself out at this point. When the server is on FreeBSD 13, it can download 
>> quickly over IPv6, but not deliver. Started investigating after noticing my 
>> SSH session was lagging when cat'ing large files or running builds. This 
>> problem even occurs between VMs in the same datacenter. I generated a 1MB 
>> file of base64 garbage served by nginx for testing. IPv6 is being configured 
>> by SLAAC and on both 12 and 13 installs was setup by the installer. Linode 
>> uses Linux/KVM hosts for their virtual machines so it's running on that 
>> virtual adapter.
>> I asked on the forums, another user recommended going to the mailing lists 
>> instead. Does anyone know if config settings need to be different on 13? Did 
>> I maybe just find a real issue? I can provide any requested details. Thanks!
> I was able to reproduce the issue locally. A fix is under review:
> https://reviews.freebsd.org/D29331
The fix is now committed in main, stable/13, releng/13.0, and will be included
in the upcoming RC3.

Best regards
> Best regards
> Michael
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