[ Trimmed to just performance@ since disk performance sizing seems to ]
[ be a frequently hit upon topic recently.                            ]

> I'm currently trying to build a moderate large system with 4
> presentation servers, 2 database servers and one large storage
> system using NFS mapped to ~1.2 terrabyte of SATA disks (4x Maxtor
> 500GB 7200 RPM disks w/RAID5 config).  Any suggestions?

*cough* 4x 50iops per SATA is about 200iops assuming 100% cache miss.
Go with 8x 250GB drives instead or do something to increase your
spindle count before you spend any time worrying about what SATA card
you're using.... unless your disk set is going to fit inside of
64-128MB of RAM, at which point I'd suggest just increasing the number
of nbufs instead of spending the bucks on a fancy SATA controller.
What's your justification for this machine?  Capacity, raw random
IOps, or ....  -sc

Sean Chittenden
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