> On 24/9/2014, at 17:09, David Wolfskill <da...@catwhisker.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 10:45:14AM +0200, Borja Marcos wrote:
>> ... 
>> Anyway, for disk stats GEOM offers a nice API. You can get delays per GEOM 
>> provider, bandwidths, etc.
> Folks, I appreciate the suggestions, but they address problems other
> than the one I am trying to solve.
> In particular:
> * I require that the tool must only depend on components of base FreeBSD;
>  thus, I don't need to perturb the system I want to measure by
>  installing otherwise unneeded software on it.

Devilator has no dependencies. It reads sysctl and geom.

> Basically, I have something that works "well enough" for things
> like CPU counters, memory usage (at the rather coarse granularity
> that top(1) provides, vs. "vmstat -m" output), load avergaes, and
> NIC counters, and is readily extensible to any univariate (or simple
> list of multivariate) (non-opaque) sysctl OIDs.  I'd like to be
> able to include information from the I/O subsystem -- in particular,
> data that is accessible from "iostat -x".

Check the diskbw.c module. Actually Most of it is borrowed from gstat(8). Just 
format the output  data as you wish ;)

But you don't need Orca. The agent just creates text files. 


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