Hi All,

I have to provide for my system better security and I guess it would be better 
to start pf.conf with the "block all" rule opening afterwards only those 
incoming and outcoming ports that are supposed to be used by the system on 
external interfaces. However, it would be easier for me to write all pf rules 
if I start pf.conf with "block in all", i.e. if I block only traffic coming in 
from the outside and open all ports for outgoing traffic.

- Incoming ports: only udp/68 (for dhcp client) and http/80 (for http server) 
always open;
- Outgoing ports: all ports always opened. All traffic going outside from the 
system has "keep state";

What disadvantages does it have in term of security in comparison with "block 
all"? In other words, how bad it is to have all outgoing ports always opened 
and whether someone can use this to hack the sysem?

Thanks a lot for any tips!!

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