On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 05:13:27PM -0600, Mark Linimon wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 01:23:54PM -0500, Vivek Khera wrote:
> > Reading this PR more closely it seems I was not even notified, as  
> > "Oleg Gawriloff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is described as the maintainer  
> > and is the one responding to maintainer queries, which he is not.
> What isn't detected well is if someone who isn't the maintainer submits
> a PR with the 'maintainer-update' state.  Edwin and I need to look at
> our respective codebases and figure out what happened in this situation.

As I explained to linimon on #bsdports, the original PR didn't get
caught by the PR-assignment-software because it couldn't determine
the ports name (it said slony1 instead of databases/slony1). So it
got in a "tomorrow when I'm awake I'll look at it again" list (this
happened in the middle of the night). When I woke up and checked
the list, I saw that miwi already grabbed it and ignored it for the
rest. Which is what I normally do when people take PRs before they
are rescued.

For people with access to freefall: 
    tail -f /hub/g/hubgnats/gnats-aa/incoming-PRs/log/foo
and you can see which ones are caught and which ones are not caught.
If you hear a ^G, then it's one which is not caught. Fix the portname
in the synopsis of the original email and bounce the email to
gnats-aa at frietbsd dot gro (confused domain to prevent spammers,
you can decode it easily if you need), and it might fix itself.
Otherwise you will have to wait until I'm awake, or back from dayjob,
beach, sun, surf etc.


Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website: http://www.mavetju.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |          Weblog: http://weblog.barnet.com.au/edwin/
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