On Sunday 22 July 2007 06:35:55 Norberto Meijome wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 11:44:22 -0700
> David Southwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am running Version: 3.2.2 with aptana mainly for Ruby, Ruby on Rails
> > and Ajax on Rails programming and it is working fine
> Hi David,
> I took a look @ Aptana a few days ago and I am wondering whether it (the
> Eclipse plugin Download ) provides anything other than the Ruby Development
> tools (RTD) + Web Standard Tools (WST).
> I have those tools already installed..and I can't seem to find any gross
> differences just by checking the screenshots in their site.
> thanks, and apologies for the change of topic in the middle of the thread.
> B
> _________________________
> {Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome
Yes Aptana provides full support for rails developments and integrates really 
well with subversion. If you use Ruby on Rails and Ajax on Rails as part of 
Ruby development tools I would recomend Aptana without hesitation. IMHO I do 
not feel there is a stonger or more fully feature IDE for an IDE.

The Aptana/subversion installation takes a little bit of hassle but I feel it 
is well worth while.


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