On Fri, 27 Jul 2007, Kris Moore wrote:

Hey, just wanted to give folks a heads up. I'm hearing that we may be
seeing a native Flash binary for FreeBSD in the future, depending on how
quick we can port over Tamarin:


They are working on a Linux port now, if anybody is interested in
getting a FBSD port done that will help us a TON in getting Adobe to
release Flash9 in a native FreeBSD format. No more Linux-emulation just
to surf the web!


Kris Moore
PC-BSD Software

That will be nice, and you're more than welcome to start porting ;), but note 
the following line:

Tamarin will support the forthcoming ECMAScript Edition 4 ("JS2") language and 
will be integrated into SpiderMonkey as part of the Mozilla 2 project, to be released in 
2008. Brendan Eich's Roadmap Update for Mozilla 2 provides broad details on Mozilla 2 and 
Tamarin's role in this roadmap.

So, I wouldn't get too anxious about this becoming production quality until 2k8 
rolls around, unless the Mozilla group does really well putting Actionscript in 


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