> > Well, I gave up using /etc/fstab to mount NTFS partitions at boot time a
> > couple of months ago when I realized that it's not the correct way to do it
> > (so I also wrote an rc.d script to do the job, but I'll talk about it
> > later). However, I recently looked at fusefs-ntfs source files, and as you
> > can see from
> > http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/sysutils/fusefs-ntfs/Makefile
> > in revision 1.19, there are changes (installing a symlink) to allow using
> > /etc/fstab to mount NTFS partitions at boot. So I thought that maybe now
> > it's okay to use /etc/fstab. Anyway, if it's still not possible to use
> > /etc/fstab, then what does that sentence mean in the revision 1.19 of
> > fusefs-ntfs Makefile (again, see the URL above)?
> The only way I can see that working is if /usr/local/modules in
> kern.modules_path /before/ mount -a is executed by /etc/rc.d/mount. Which
> means there should be a line:
> kern.module_path=/boot/kernel;/boot/modules;/usr/local/modules
> in /etc/sysctl.conf on your machine.
> Also, mount_ntfs-3g should be able to load the module dynamically.

My /etc/sysctl.conf is basically empty; it's all the usual default
comments. Nothing is specified there.

> > Another question is why, even after loading the kernel module (see the
> > 'dmesg -a' output below), it is not possible to mount the NTFS partition?
> > ----------
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ dmesg -a
> > ...
> > Starting fusefs.
> > fuse4bsd: version 0.3.9-pre1, FUSE ABI 7.8
> > ...
> > Mounting late file systems:
> > fuse: failed to exec mount program: No such file or directory
> > ----------
> What does ls -l /sbin/mount_ntfs-3g say?

There is no /sbin/mount_ntfs-3g. But /usr/sbin/mount_ntfs-3g exists
and is a symlink to /usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g.
I'm not sure whether it's relevant to your question, but I had made
/sbin/mount_ntfs-3g a symlink to /usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g myself, and
that also was not working (but I had tired it with the previous
version of ntfs-3g not the one currently installed).

> > This output from /var/log/messages is also interesting, showing that
> > ntfs-3g has indeed been run and that it has mounted my Windows partition
> > (but I don't see it mounted)!
> > ----------
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cat /var/log/messages
> > ...
> > Oct  6 14:22:40 pasargadae kernel: Trying to mount root from
> > ufs:/dev/ad0s2a Oct  6 14:22:45 pasargadae kernel: fuse4bsd: version
> > 0.3.9-pre1, FUSE ABI 7.8
> > Oct  6 14:22:45 pasargadae ntfs-3g[811]: Version 1.913
> > Oct  6 14:22:45 pasargadae ntfs-3g[811]: Mounted /dev/ad0s1 (Read-Write,
> > label "", NTFS 3.0)
> > Oct  6 14:22:45 pasargadae ntfs-3g[811]: Cmdline options: (null)
> > Oct  6 14:22:45 pasargadae ntfs-3g[811]: Mount options:
> > noatime,silent,allow_other ,fsname=/dev/ad0s1
> > ...
> > ----------
> > And I didn't know about the /boot/modules way. Could you please ellaborate
> > more? Is it a different way to load kernel modules than using
> > /boot/loader.conf? When should one use that?
> >
> > And now, about coming back to using an rc.d script...After failing to use
> > /etc/fstab, I wrote this script to mount the partition at boot time.
> > However, this also does not work!
> > ----------
> > #!/bin/sh
> > #
> > # PROVIDE: ntfsmount
> > # REQUIRE: fusefs
> > #
> >
> > . /etc/rc.subr
> >
> > name="ntfsmount"
> > rcvar=${name}_enable
> > command="/usr/sbin/mount_ntfs-3g"
> > command_args="/dev/ad0s1 /mnt/windows -o locale=en_US.UTF-8"
> Does /mnt/windows exist?
> Anything interesting with `sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntfsmount' ?

Yes, /mnt/windows exists. Nothing interesting as far as I could
understand the output of 'sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntfsmount'. What
specifically do I have to look for?

> If I find some more time, I'll play around with it.
> --
> Mel

Thanks a lot :)
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