--On Monday, December 03, 2007 17:15:10 -0500 "Aryeh M. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

===>  Cleaning for xdm-1.1.6_2

What was I supposed to find?

Did you actually run xdm or just assume because it compiled that it
was installed the same way in all cases...

No, I didn't run xdm, because that wasn't the parameters of your test. You insisted it wouldn't install at all. Now you've changed the rules. In order for me to run xdm, I'd have to edit /etc/ttys and then restart X so that I'm using xdm instead of kdm. I'm not too excited about doing that given the fact that you'll most likely change the rules again, after it works successfully.

hint: the visual appearance
varies signficiantly depending on what method you use.    XDM is no
not unique in this either just off the top of my head I can name the
following ports that demostrate different behaviour depending on what
order the are installed:

First, I find it hard to believe anyone would even bother to test this. You must have lots of time on your hands. Second, I would imagine the results would vary based on the system you have, the video card you're using and the ports you have installed. If it works, I think that's about all you can expect from ports. Ports only install and deinstall software. They don't configure it, and they don't adjust for errors in the software.

the entire set of jdk's
perl (what is the difference between the 5.8.8 in the base system and
the one in ports?!?!?!?)

What version are you running? Perl hasn't been in the base for some time now. It's installed by default when you install FreeBSD, but it's a port. The reasons for that are far too long to go into here.

these are just the ones I have found after installing 2 mega metaports
and the java stuff... god knows what is lurking out there

Here's a hint that would help a *ton* of users.  Don't try to
install a port until your ports tree is up to date.  Completely up
to date - as is, run portsnap or cvs or cvsup *first*, *then* try
to install your port.

I use the following "script" (i.e. by hand) installing a new port
(might be overkill):

cd /usr/ports/....
cvsup /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile (I actually use a local
cvs repo but this is clearer)

You don't need to cd to /usr/ports to run cvsup if you're cvsupfile was done correctly.

portupgrade -a
make uninstall distclean install
This will certainly get you in trouble. Make uninstall in /usr/ports? What made you think that was a wise thing to do?

If that doesn't guerntee upto date ports nothing will

That will guarantee problems for sure.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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